Become an International Distributor
Ecohound is looking to expand its network of global distributors! We are eager to build meaningful connections with distributors worldwide and explore possibilities for long-lasting partnerships. Embarking on a sustainable journey of collaboration that prioritises green values and creates shared value with distributors who want to make an impact!
We look forward to hearing from you.

Doing something today for a better tomorrow.
Join us in supporting Colin and Lily's incredible mission to make a difference in our community and our environment. Despite battling Leukaemia, Colin's determination and passion for the environment have inspired us all.
Ecohound has teamed up with Colin and Lily to launch a groundbreaking dog waste bag initiative. His goal? To distribute eco-friendly dog waste bags throughout the community and educate pet owners about responsible disposal practices. Together, we can make a difference for our furry friends and the planet we call home.
Help secure a bright future for Lily while promoting responsible dog waste management. Join us in honouring the deep bond between Lily and Colin and making a positive impact on our environment. Together, we can carry on Colin's legacy and create a better tomorrow for Lily and our world.
Join the movement now: Colin's Legacy, Lily's Future, & Poop Bags